Come for the Politics, Stay for the Pathologies

Friday, April 30, 2010

DNN Braking News: Obama to Golf

Washington (DNN): Moments ago, White House Press Secretary Robert “Bagdad Bob” Gibbs, when asked if President Obama plans a Gulf trip said “Absolutely. We’re gassing-up Air Force Won as we speak.”

BO SLICKDNN file photo

When pressed for details and asked who from the press was accompanying the President to the site of the oil disaster, he quickly reversed himself:

“I thought you said golf. No, the President has sent his team of expert lawyers to investigate the incident and determine which Big Oil corporations we can blame and sue. But he personally has no intention of being associated with anything that is black, oily and slick.”


The historic first black American president, with the first half-black American president. DNN file photo