Come for the Politics, Stay for the Pathologies

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

America:Too Big Too Fail. Since 1-20-09

Fear not America. Following the Bush administration’s 8 years of all-bad-news-all-the-time, the MSM discovered HOPE with the election of their glorious leader, the first post-racial, post-partisan president. The CHANGE  has brought us nothing but good news ever since. Don’t worry about the recession, the unemployment rate, the burgeoning federal debt or the ever increasing number of foreign countries laughing at us. No. since the coming of Obama, America’s been too big too fail.

05252009_dom_200dpi-768x1024 barak_newsweek obaman 119622-004-919C93A3



barack_obama_inauguration_2009_time_magazine_commemorative_issue_cover barack-obama-2008-time-magazine-cover-democratic-convention timemag-obama2 time-cover-poy

and my personal favorite:

the-new-deal-obama-time plus, of course:

              WashingtonPost new-york-times-february-21-2009-obama-takes-oath-and-nation-in-crisis-embraces

Well, I think you get the idea.


And now, the best news yet: The Comeback of America.


newsweek-cover-americas-backDon’t bother your little bobble heads with the 3.2% decrease in personal income since the messiah took office. Or the 10% unemployment rate. Or the still increasing number of foreclosures. Or the fact that household debt stands at 94% of GDP. Nothing to see here. Move along. Obama’s here now: rebuilding the economy with more government debt, fueled with your increasing taxes every day. What could go wrong?

Oh, did I mention that Daniel Gross, author of Newsweek’s The Remarkable Tale of Our Economic Turnaround also authored a book in 2007 titled  Pop! Why Bubbles Are Great For The Economy? How’s that bubble working out for you, Dan-O? Moron.