Come for the Politics, Stay for the Pathologies

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do Not Go Gentle …

John Dingell has been fighting for socialized medicine since 1955. So of course he was ecstatic when discussing the passage of the 2400 page bill with WJR’s Paul W. Smith. And as occasionally happens by mistake when talking to a politician, the truth slipped out. Here’s Dingell speaking truth to power: state power.


Mr. Dingall tells us how hard, even though the bill’s been inked, it will be to work out all the necessary administrative details in order to properly “control the people.” Because people, I know you don’t want to hear this, but that’s what it’s all about. That’s what all governmental action is about. And imagine how much “control” they can exert given 4 years and 2400 pages of legislation with which to write the “administrative rules” needed to “control the people.”


In related news, behold our future, where liberty and justice have become too heavy to haul: Oh, Canada ! Where free speech is dead and diversity not only excludes conservative thought – it labels it as “hate speech.” Sigh.  I still remember Canada when it was a cute country.

So thanks President Obama,  thanks Nancy, thanks Harry.


 when harry met nancy 

Thanks for the kiss of death.







wax[6] Goodnight, America.