Come for the Politics, Stay for the Pathologies

Saturday, October 3, 2009

“ Jane, You Ignorant Slut” *

* tag line from SNL’s infamous Point/Counterpoint segment in the late 70’s with Dan Akyroyd and Jane Curtin.

A frequent feature of Update during this time was Point/Counterpoint, in which Curtin and Aykroyd made ad hominem attacks on each other's positions on a variety of topics. Aykroyd regularly began his reply with "Jane, you ignorant slut," which became another of the many SNL catch phrases (Curtin frequently began her reply with, "Dan, you pompous ass").

Janeane Garofalo, like rust, never sleeps. Yep, up late last night again on Real Time with Bill Maher to inform us “it's obvious to anybody who has eyes in this country that tea-baggers, the 9-12ers” are “clearly white power movements.” She called all Republicans racists – again - and accused the Republican party of “carrying water for racists” since the 50’s. And being a highly esteemed American political scholar, she would know. Oh, wait, no she isn’t a scholar, but she does play one on TV. She’s really a third rate actor/comedian. Apparently that’s a skill set that works well for elected officials these days (ala Al Franken), so maybe she’s really just preparing to run for office.

It’s nice that the First Amendment allows her to show up on these forums to demonstrate her ignorance and insanely hysterical view of the rest of America. It might calm her down if she were to actually meet a conservative some time. You know, so she could see that there isn’t any actual head-spinning and vitriol spewing out of our mouths. That was your mirror, babe.

But as Brent Bozell said this morning on FOX (part of the racist white power movement, per Janey) “she hasn’t been within 5 zip codes of a tea party.” And yet she’s an expert on their motivation and knows that these “white power groups” engage in a “tacit nudging towards violence.” Thanks for the insight. And I bet she thinks Roman Polanski has already suffered enough too.

I’ll mention this yet again: The louder you yell “racism” at the other team, the more it reveals about your own inner demons. If you see racism going on everywhere, there’s something clouding your lens. As for Janey, I can’t speak to whether she’s tamed her inner racist tendencies, but I can say her lack of meaningful education is reflected in her inability to comprehend complex concepts: like principals. You know - those basic tenets that you hold while rationally disagreeing with someone who doesn’t hold the same tenets. Preferably without calling them names. But that requires that you hold two conflicting thoughts at the same time. Why don’t you give that “diversity” a try sometime, Janey.

Update: JammieWearingFool has an excellent post on Janeane too.