I think everybody is missing the point on the feel good story of the week: The longest recession since the end of WWII officially ended in June - of 2009!
Good news! That means that George W. Bush’s TARP bailout worked!
Yeah, I know. Too many exclamation points. Especially since everyone still feels like we’re in the middle of a very deep hole, the jobless rate hovers at 9.6% headed for at least 10%, you can’t give a house away in most markets, and still foreclosures continue to pile up. You know what they say: if it looks like a duck… etc.
But here’s what everyone’s missing. If we’re still mired in deep economic woe, that can only mean one thing - the Obama fabu-losity, which gave us the trillion dollar stimu-losity, well, didn’t. Stimulate us, that is.
So I’d like to personally welcome you all to the shiny new thing: the official Obama recession. The torch has been passed, and man, it sucks when even the Canucks are kicking your butt.
From Hot Air via Hillbuzz: click to embiggen
The “we’re headed in the right direction” summer of recovery is now officially over. Handing it back to you now, Barry, for the fall mid-term results.