Come for the Politics, Stay for the Pathologies

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Know Thy Enemy: Prologue

The left does not win its battles in debate. It doesn't have to. In the twenty-first century, media is everything. The left wins because it controls the narrative. The narrative is controlled by the media. The left is the media. Narrative is everything. I call it the Democrat-Media Complex--and I am at war to gain back control of the American narrative. – Andrew Breitbart

Six years after Barack Hussein Obama announced his intention to run and 5 years into his presidency Republicans seem as perplexed by the man and his tactics as they did on day one. They now get that he despises them, and are finally beginning to understand that it’s not just politics, it’s personal. They can’t fathom why, even in victory, he continues to campaign against them;  hammering their motives, attacking their character and belittling their beliefs rather than trying to curry their support and cooperation as did the Democrats of old.

Today I’m going to explain why Barack Obama is a whole new political animal, one that has “been evolving” for quite awhile in our primordial societal goo. In Know Thy Enemy, Part I – III, I’ll cover the 3 aspects of society that have set us up for this evolutionary force: the education system, the media and –  an outgrowth of the first two – the celebrity culture. The synergy of all three elements has caused us to slip free of the gyroscopic force holding it all together. In Beat the Enemy, I -III I’ll describe what can and must be done to stabilize and repair a society that is quickly moving from evolving to devolving.

Let’s begin by getting our arms around why the President is vested in maintaining the Republicans as his sworn enemies. That can best be explained by a brief Q&A:

Q. What is the difference between a leader and a community agitator?

A. Leaders lead and community agitators agitate.

And what does a community agitator need, first and foremost, to agitate against? An enemy. You know, Alinsky’s Rules et al.: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. ...” “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Republicans, with their “kick me” signs on their backs were a natural.

But why would an American President spend his days agitating instead of working with Congress and business leaders to build up the economic sector, or develop meaningful bipartisan tax reform to stimulate business and jobs? The answer, as they say, is complicated but has been well chronicled.

The short answer is that Barrack Obama isn’t like other leaders. Where previous presidents – some more misguided than others – attempted to encourage economic growth through the mechanisms of capitalism and free markets, hallmarks of American democracy, this President does not. The “one we’ve been waiting for” to “fundamentally transform America” is committed to quite a different economic model: social justice. This “spread the wealth around” because “at some point I do think you’ve made enough money” system of redistribution has far more use for government than it does the private sector, and Obama governs accordingly.

If you think social justice is just a fringe element of extreme left wing politics you are partially correct. It is extreme, but fringe? No. Not anymore. If you think otherwise I suggest that you take a closer look at the handbooks, curricula and syllabi from the colleges and universities you hope to send your kids to. You’ll discover that not only is social justice an inherent theme in multiple liberal arts programs, but in the schools of education and social work/welfare it is a primary element:

Here is how it is defined by the Berkeley School of Social Welfare:

“Social Justice is a process, not an outcome, which (1) seeks fair (re)distribution of resources, opportunities, and responsibilities; (2) challenges the roots of oppression and injustice; (3) empowers all people to exercise self-determination and realize their full potential; (4) and builds social solidarity and community capacity for collaborative action.

And any curriculum where you find “social justice” you will  find its companion piece “community organizing.”  This definition, compliments of the University of Wisconsin:

“Community organizing is the process of building power through involving a constituency in identifying problems they share and the solutions to those problems that they desire; identifying the people and structures that can make those solutions possible; enlisting those targets in the effort through negotiation and using confrontation and pressure when needed…”

Nor does this social justice indoctrination begin at the university level, but I’ll get into that more tomorrow. For now just recognize the natural affinity of the two: social justice provides the objective (i.e. redistribution of wealth) and community organizing supplies the tactics, ala Alinsky’s Rules.  When these two strains of sociopathy were allowed to mate they mutated into a rather virulent strain of political philosophy that is deeply embedded in Barack Obama’s DNA. Treating this type of political mutant like an average political foe is like treating cancer with “the pain killer.”

You’ve been warned.

TOMORROW: Know Thy Enemy, Part I

Barack Obama did not bring us to this first circle of hell on his own. He was aided and abetted by 1) an education system with a relentless propaganda agenda, 2) a media oligopoly that has completely abrogated its First Amendment responsibility and 3) a celebrity dominated culture that is largely a product of the first two.


NOTE: This is part of the “Know Thy Enemy/ Beat Thy Enemy” series --


KTE I: Education

KTE II: Media

KTE III: Celebrity Culture

BTE I: The Education System

BTE II-A: The Media (attacking from outside the tent)

BTE II-B: the Media (conclusion; operating within the tent)

BTE III: Celebrity Culture

Linked By: Larwyn’s Linx on Doug Ross@Journal, and Rob Cunningham, and Bruce Cairns on facebook, and BlogsLucianneLoves, and NOBO2012 on Free Republic, Thanks!

Cross-Posted on Patriot Action Network