Politicos, celebrities, donors and close friends – about 200 in all - gathered to eat, drink, dance and celebrate President Obama’s 50th birthday party last Thursday. The party, which was closed to the press for obvious reasons, came in the midst of the stock market crash and bad economic reports, and ahead of the historic downgrade of the U.S. credit rating.
Per MOTUS: add 6, divide by 100 to get our GDP
According to unofficial reports, guests danced barefoot in the grass to the strains of Hip Hop music streaming from inside the White House. Reportedly, the electric slide was a popular dance, but no doubt the Dougie was performed as well. Michelle Obama has immortalized it as part of her “bust a move” campaign against childhood obesity:
I feel compelled to warn you, however, that under certain circumstances “doin’ the Dougie” may be hazardous to your health.
For example, here are the top ten reasons not to ‘Dougie’ in traffic:
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
- You could get hit by an ice cream truck
Remember that. But in case you’re not convinced:
h/t curmudgeonly via Larwyn’s Linx
This public service safety announcement has been brought to you by “the Tea Party Downgrade” echo chamber.