Day 45 of America’s rebirth, and the Obama daily favorability tracking poll closed down another 281 points. That would be 6594 for any of you still counting, less than half of the Dow Jones Industrial’s all time high. The hopeychangey train has left the station, and guess what? You’re not on it!
Buyer’s remorse has begun to burn small holes in the stomach lining of some of the early adaptors. Maybe they’ll invoke the lemon law.
James-meltdown-Cramer, an avowed liberal democrat, is now screaming at the White House instead of poor Erin Burnett (still fun to watch no matter how many times you’ve seen it) .
And over at the New York Times – whose stock is now worth less than a Sunday edition – David Brooks (conservative in sheep’s clothing) is backpedaling so fast he’s catching his own dust. Starting on February 24, continuing on February 27 and March 3. At this rate by the end of the month he’ll be calling for Barry’s impeachment.
Better yet, the always chirpy Maureen Dowd is getting a bit queasy. She even invokes the spirit of Shakespeare to skewer the President’s refusal to tackle the pork in the Obam-nibus bill: She hasn’t whined as much since her traumatized days after 9/11, during which she even knocked off her carping at the “Bushies” for a few weeks. Personal threat seems to evoke a strain of reactionary behavior in Ms. Dowd. I’m guessing her 401-K is looking mighty anemic about now. Since she favors quotes from King Lear this week, I offer her this bit of wisdom from the good king: “Get thee glass eyes, And, like a scurvy politician, seem to see the things thou dost not.”
And that brings us to Christopher Buckley. Good lord man! Your father was barely in his grave, and you had to act out your repressed rebellion by backing Obama? That’s as close to a complete repudiation of the old man as you can get without going to work for the Huffington Post. Well, apparently Christopher is back on his meds because he appears to have revisited his choice. Either that, or he was growing weary of ghostly visits from his father, droning on and on through the night about the shortcomings of Keynesian economics. Now that Christopher has at least conceded to the potential limitations of the Keynesian model, maybe they can both rest in peace.